Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Jonathan Coulton

This guy is pure awesomeness and if you've never heard of him you need to visit his website. Joco as he shall hence be named is a musical artist and in my eyes an ambassador for all things awesome about the world I feel I'm a part of.

I only bring up Joco because a recent comic I found about him over on Penny Arcade. This is it below:

Now, I understand the basic premise, but the details escape me. I think that's the point, but not understanding something like this drives me nuts. I thought I'd share it with you in the hopes that someone can shine a little insight on this for me.

Joco recently performed at PAX, which in case you're not aware is a convention of sorts hosted by the guys over at the aforementioned Penny Arcade. I have unfortunately not had the great privilege of attending as of yet, but should you be an obstacle of my seeing it next year...God help your weary soul.

Before I end this somewhat scattered post, let me leave you with this:

Joco at his best. Comedy at it's finest. Until next time.

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