Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Oh those crazy Japanese...

I love Japan. No, I'm not "part" Japanese. Japan and it's people and culture just appeals to me on many different levels. I am constantly intrigued by their many customs and interesting forms of entertainment, but I stumbled upon a video that demonstrates a facet of their culture which boggles the mind.

Wow. Just...wow. Now, I've been in this kind of situation before. The last Comic-Con I went to there was a giveaway of some G.I. Joe posters and a few other things, and me being the connoisseur of swag that I am, I knew I had to have them. Thus, I piled in with the rest of the nerds. My wife was watching from a safe distance and told me it looked like I was consumed by a hideous flesh monster. I have never been so close to so many people before in my entire life, I felt I knew them all on a level that their own mothers even didn't.

This though, yeesh. Although, I must admit, being crammed together with geishas, sumos, samurais, ninja, and Japanese schoolgirls appeals to me on a very strange and demented level. Pardon my sterotypes.

The Japanese also will be a frequently featured topic on this blog. Be forewarned.

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